On the Other Side

​When the time comes we will not be returning to the old normal. We will create a new normal. A normal that will reflect the things we missed the most during this time of isolation. The closeness of family and friends without the barrier of distance, masks, and gloves. A new appreciation of moving freely through our day to enjoy eating out, going to the beach, attending sports and cultural events, going to movies, or simply sitting quietly in reflection. With a better sense of the sacredness of life and our place in it. Of the world and our responsibly to it. A profound realization that, by the grace of the Universe, we’re still here. That we made it to the other side. And so we’ll move forward, carrying with us a deep sense of loss as well as gratitude for having endured. And I hope (I so dearly hope) we’ll be kinder, wiser, and more compassionate because of it.

2 thoughts on “On the Other Side

  1. Cynthia L Cardinal April 8, 2020 / 1:16 am

    Kris, At 12:24 AM 4/8 after being awake for hours, my mind turning todays events around and around my brain neurons, I went outside to see the New Full Moon. It seemed so much closer than other moons I’ve ever seen. Brilliantly white, lighting all the yards and the pond beside our home. I couldn’t sleep as I kept thinking about what our country is now going through. About how worrisome the past 3 weeks have been. I came in a saw the blue light flashing on my phone telling me I have a message from someone. It was from you on 4/7, 11:54 PM. A short hour before I went to see the Moon brightness.
    Then I read your Spiritual Post “On the Other Side”. The other side, the new feeling, the greater appreciation for family, life, moving about freely. The fresh experiences we will all have after this separation. And the great hugs that we can all provide each other.
    I feel so moved by your thoughts and writings. And tonight they calmed me enough to journal you this message. This time in life has certainly been a sacriface for us all in many different ways. My daughter and my grandchildren have been her since 3/16. Our visits have been limited because of the health precautions. But weve managed to have short walks and beach visits as a solitary group. It allowed me to have short sweet conversations with them, enjoy their beauty, their simple thoughts on the way they can’t do other stuff because of the bad flu we call it and dont want to get sick.. What I’ve also been given is another memory of a time when the world was trying to stand still, to heal and we were wishing so hard for its recovery to get back together.
    These brief walks, conversatons and beach games gave me strength I didnt know j was gaining. Your writing helped me feel it in my heart. I’ve read it 3 times already and feel a longing for the same hope. The same desire of great appreciation of what I have and what I know is important. I see us now beyond the masks and gloves and separations.
    Even with the encouragement in your prose I still feel the inner anxiety of doubt that the human will change and heal through this. Many will not make it. Some haven’t already. My hands grasp to the hope, faith and belief that those I love as friends and family grow through this and live to see the many new full moons. Each is different, in a slightly different place as we all are today. I’m feeling very grateful for your so promising words but mostly for the great hug of friendship waiting till we meet again. Fondly, Cyn


    • Kris Hillenburg April 8, 2020 / 7:51 am

      Thank you so much for such a heartfelt response. It touched me as much as my post touched you. Love you ❤️


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